Volunteer Interest
There are SO many ways you can get involved and support your students and our whole Gatewood community this school year! We have opportunities for everyone– even if you have no time or resources to spare, there are lots of other ways to help out.​
Reach out to VolunteerGatewoodPTA@gmail.com to get involved!
Current Opportunities:
Volunteer Coordinator:
Do you want to help manage volunteers for the awesome Gatewood Events? The PTA is looking for a Volunteer Coordinator! This volunteer (or volunteers) will be the point of contact for the volunteer needs of the Gatewood Community. This position will work with school personnel and PTA to organize and fill the variety of needs throughout the school - think classroom volunteers, help with Picture Day, or Field Day - just to name a few things.
Flexible Position: This volunteer position can be done from home, the hours do not need to match school hours!
Volunteer Outreach: Reach out to school staff and PTA (classroom teachers, office staff, other school personnel) to determine their volunteer needs. This includes, not limited to, volunteers for classroom, recess/lunchroom, Library, special events/projects and PTA events
Lead Volunteer Signups: Create, post and monitor volunteer sign ups (this job can be assigned to a dedicated volunteer)
Ensure Volunteer Approvals: Work with Office Secretary to ensure in school volunteers are SPS approved volunteer
Coordinate POC for Events: Establish a point of contact for each event and connect volunteers with that person.
This person does not need to attend all volunteer events
Reach out to VolunteerGatewoodPTA@gmail.com
Gator Fair Volunteer:
Starting in January 2025, we need help planning the Gator Fair! Looking for new ideas for games and prizes!
Reach out to VolunteerGatewoodPTA@gmail.com
Auction Committee:
We need help with everything from procurement to decor to set up to graphics!
To get involved, email gatewoodauctionchair@gmail.com
Advocacy Committee:
Advocacy can always use more hands on deck -
1/28: Volunteer for set up/take down for the Parent Education Event! Here is the sign up genius for it: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E4DACAC2CA7FC1-51928469-anxious#/
To get involved, email gatewood.pta.advocacy@gmail.com